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Sustainable Branding: The Rise of the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced, digital-driven world, sustainability has shifted from a buzzword
to become a keystone business philosophy. Sustainability is now leading customers
into making important decisions on the variety of purchases that they choose to
make. Large and small businesses have woken up to the need to adopt sustainable
practices to help the environment but also to put their houses in order along the lines
of their customers’ value system.

However, the question that remains is how businesses would gradually move
towards sustainable branding and, more importantly, how they could potentially
communicate their change to the digital public effectively.

Making Consumers Human

Recent research has found that a majority of consumers would prefer to choose
brands that have a clear commitment toward sustainability. A Nielsen report
estimates that 66% of the world’s population is willing to pay more for a sustainable
good. This is particularly evident among millennials, who are driving a shift towards
sustainable consumerism by making 73% of statements to a similar preference.

That change in consumer mentality will make the companies change the production,
marketing, and customer engagement strategies.

Role of Digital Marketing

For example, digital marketing provides tools and measures for firms to spread
globally the news about sustainability practices. In fact, 90% of consumers expect
that brands should divulge information about their sustainability efforts, and the
digital stage now provides the potential to answer such expectations.

Digital media, from social media campaigns to content marketing, are some of the
most powerful ways of keeping the customers abreast with a brand’s sustainability
journey. A well-told story on sustainability has much deeper effects on the audience,
which will see the firm creating far better emotional bonds with its customers.

Key Characteristics of a Sustainable Brand

If you are going to build your sustainable brand in the digital era, really, it’s key to
focus on three core components:


Modern consumers never fail to demand transparency in the brands they associate
with. For the most part, that concerns the sources of raw materials and the
conditions of labor. Brands giving out transparency with their production processes
and the impacts on the environment gain consumer trust.

Eco-Friendly Practices:

Sustainability doesn’t only consist of going greener with carbon footprints but also
focusing on recycling, reduction of waste, and the use of renewable resources.
According to a report released by IBM, 80% of customers, and especially in the
fashion industry—one of the biggest polluters globally—stated that sustainability is
important to them.

Community Engagement:

Apart from just being kind to the environment, sustainable brands engage more with
the community. They work to support local artisans, fair trade, among others, and in
return, society gives them back in several ways. These methods improve the brand
image and foster customer loyalty.

Good Examples of Sustainable Branding

Some of these global brands are, in fact, even known for being sustainable. For
instance, Patagonia is one company that has built a brand identity around
environmental activism and sustainability. In fact, it encourages customers to repair
and reuse items through its Worn Wear initiative instead of buying new things, further
supporting its commitment to eco-friendliness.

Along the same lines, Adidas has partnered with Parley for the Oceans to produce
shoes made from recycled ocean plastics, proving to the world that sustainability can
actually be both innovative and profitable at the same time.

Ways in Which Your Brand Can Transition to a More Sustainable Model

Analyze your current practices: The first step is to audit your current business
practices. This way, you can identify the areas where waste can be minimized,
greener alternatives are feasible, and the labor practices are ethical.

Share Your Vision Once you have made the transition, tell your audience about your
sustainable practices right on your website, with social media and e-mail campaigns.
Share why you decided to do so and how it benefits both the consumer and the
environment using stories.

Partnering with like-minded organizations will add more credibility and punch to your
drive. A sustainable partnership can show that your brand is part of something bigger
working towards global change.

Sustainable Branding: The Future

Sustainable branding is definitely not a fad; rather, it is the future. As shoppers
become more aware of green brands, sustainable businesses must evolve
accordingly. The more you align your brand with sustainability, the more you will
resonate with a wider audience and contribute toward a better and greener world for


  • Nielsen Report on Sustainability
  • Millennial Preferences
  • Study on Consumer Expectations
  • IBM Study on Sustainability
  • Patagonia Worn Wear Initiative
  • Adidas and Parley Collaboration